Taitaja2025 Final
Taitaja2025 event will be held in Turku on 5.–8.5.2025.
Individual timetables for different skills can be found under each the skills page closer to the event.
Taitaja2025 Final
Taitaja2025 event will be held in Turku on 5.–8.5.2025. Venues for the event are Turku Fair Center in Artukainen in Turku, Gatorade Center, Turku AKK and the surrounding yard areas.
500 vocational students compete in about 50 competitive sports at the Finnish Championships in Professional Skills. During the three days of competition, you will get to see excellence from numerous different professional fields.
The event is free and open to everyone.
Monday May 5th /Opening Ceremony
6:30–16:00: Taitaja City open only for competitors and staff
13:00–15:30: Introduction to competition areas: Competitors and competition assistants
15:30–15:45: Preparation and transition to the opening ceremony: competitors and team leaders (Gatorade Center)
16:00–18:00: Taitaja2025 Opening Ceremony (Gatorade Center)
Tuesday May 6th /Competition Day 1 and National VET Seminar
6:30–8:00: Taitaja City open only for competitors and staff
8:00–17:00: Finnish Championships in Professional Skills – First competition day – Open to the public
8:00–17:00: Event and Food Market, Partner Market, and Safety Market – open to the public
9:00–15:00: The Guidance Lounge, open for study counselors and youthworkers (Turku AKK)
10:00–15:00: National Seminar
12:00–16:00: Taitaja9 Preliminary Rounds – First competition day (Gatorade Center)
Wednesday May 7th /Competition Day 2 and International Seminar
6:30–8:00: Taitaja City open only for competitors and staff
8:00–17:00: Finnish Championships in Professional Skills – Second competition day – Open to the public
8:00–17:00: Event and Food Market, Partner Market, and Safety Market – open to the public
9:00–15:00: Taitaja9 Collection and Semifinals – Second competition day (Gatorade Center)
9:00–15:00: Guidance Lounge open for study counselors and youthworkers (Turku AKK)
10:00–15:00: International Welcome Seminar – Learn more and register
15:00–16:00: Taitaja9 Final and Awards Ceremony (Gatorade Center)
Thursday May 8th /Competition Day 3 and Closing Ceremony
6:30–8:00: Taitaja City open only for competitors and staff
8:00–12:00: Finnish Championships in Professional Skills – Third – competition day Open to the public
8:00–13:00: Event and Food Market, Partner Market, and Safety Market – open to the public
13:00: Competition areas close from the public
15:00–16:40: Taitaja2025 Closing Ceremony and Awards Ceremony (Gatorade Center)
The semifinals will take place in week 5 in 2025.
Taitaja9 local competitions will be held in autumn 2024 and regional competitions in spring 2025.