Security Services
The competition tasks of this skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in safety and security. The qualification title of the basic qualification is turvallisuusvalvoja (security officer).
The professional who have completed this qualification works for example in companies in safety and security sector as well as works on structural safety and technical security control systems.
The page will be published later.
The page will be launched in March 2025.
The results will be published after the final.
Description of the skill
The safety sector is comprised of authority activities in order to maintain basic safety of society, security activities of companies, public entities and organisations as well as service, expert and safeguard activities in private safety sector.
A competitor must be able to overall manage safety-focused customer service situations, have basic knowledge of legislation on safety and security sector, manage security control in practice and manage safeguard tasks, be in a good physical condition and manage basics of use of force.
The competition is a paired skill category.
Skill requirements
The competition tasks of the skill category are based on the requirements and criteria of ”Excellent” in the Vocational qualification in safety and security. The skill category is completed as an individual competition.
A competitor must be able to overall manage safety-focused customer service situations, have basic knowledge of legislation on safety and security sector, manage security control in practice and manage safeguard tasks, be in a good physical condition and manage basics of use of force.
Skill competition manager

Markku Hietanen

Jussi Pulkkinen
Skill steering group
- Markku Hietanen, Turku Vocational Institute
- Jussi Pulkkinen, Turku Vocational Institute
- Marko Jalkanen, Savo Vocational College
- Markus Veijalainen, Keuda
- Tomi Koskela, Keuda
- Matti Kymäläinen, Hyria
- Tomi Ahokas, Finnish National Agency for Education
- Jukka Jokinen, Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto Tredu
- Marko Sookari, Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova
- Jussi Mäenpää, Avarn Security Oy
- Mikko Rasimus, Hyria