Game Production
The competition tasks of the skill category are based on the Vocational Qualification in Media and Visual Expression and the Vocational Qualification in Information and Communications Technology. The qualification titles of the vocational qualifications are implementer of media services, implementer of visual expression and software developer.
Employment in the gaming industry is diverse. There are jobs in areas such as programming, design, graphic expertise, marketing and business.
The page will be published later.
The page will be launched in March 2025.
The results will be published after the final.
Description of the skill
Game production is a multidisciplinary skill category that requires the competition team to have extensive expertise in game design, programming, graphics production and marketing.
During the competition, the team plans, implements and presents a demo version of a digital game based on the assignment. In their work, the competitors must take into account the substantive objectives and technical requirements set for the production, the specific characteristics of the target group and user experience.
Game production requires creativity, efficiency and cooperation. The competition is a paired skill category.
Skill requirements
The team must have competence in the following areas in the scope described in the qualification criteria of the Vocational Qualification in Media and Visual Expression and the Vocational Qualification in Information and Communications Technology:
- game design and documentation
- programming
- 2D/3D graphics
- animation
- content production
- marketing and presentation.
The team must be able to produce material optimised for the target platform in accordance with the assignment. The team must be able to present the project to the customer in a professional manner.
Skill competition managers

Mailis Saralehto

Jami Aho
Skill steering group
- Mailis Saralehto, Turku Vocational Institute
- Jami Aho, Turku University of Applied Sciences
- Jarkko Laine, Plain E Oy
- Olli Juhola, Careeria
- Jani Gröhn, Finnish Game Jam
- Joonas Luhtanen, Vuoksi
- Toni Koistinen, Keuda
- Riikka-Lotta Pehkonen, Omnia, the Joint Authority of Education in the Espoo region
- Tomi Ahokas, Finnish National Agency for Education
- Taija Paasilinna, Finnish National Agency for Education