Infrastructure Construction
The competition tasks of this skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in construction. The qualification titles of the basic qualification are maarakennuskoneenkuljettaja (earthmover operator), maarakentaja (infrastructure constructor), kivirakentaja (mason) and talonrakentaja (building constructor).
The professional who have completed this qualification works according to the competence area for example on the building and renovating site in a construction sector enterprise, in new constructing and maintenance works for water and energy services networks, municipal work of installing communal infrastructure, rainwater and waste water systems, as an instructor for digging works, in measurement and marking tasks on excavation sites or as an independent entrepreneur.
The page will be published later.
The page will be launched in March 2025.
The results will be published after the final.
Description of the skill
An earthmover operator most often works as an excavator or wheel loader driver. The work comprises foundation stage tasks on a building construction site, road and street construction tasks, foundation works for the yard construction, earthmoving works for cabling and management of traffic areas.
To be an earthmover operator requires ability to plan and organise as well as to be cautious and patient. Adaptation to different work tasks and various weather conditions are expected and the earthmover operator should be able to work independently but also do team work.
The competition task requires usual earthmover operator skills. A competitor shall be able to perform structures safely, in compliance with drawings and specifications and him/herself select an appropriate order for works. The finished work shall be in accordance with good construction methods.
The competition is individual.
Skill requirements
The competition tasks of this skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in construction, on the requirements and criteria of ”Excellent” in the module Earthmover operation.
A competitor manages the job of an earthmover operator as a whole. S/he is able to perform different structures or parts of them in compliance with drawings and specifications. S/he is able to perform measuring works at different work stages if necessary. S/he knows soil and stones and other earthmoving materials and features of them, which enables working in compliance with common quality criteria, concerning the construction works.
The competitor is able to work safely, concerning the own safety and safety of the working environment. S/he works in a responsible manner as a driver of an expensive earthmoving machine.
The assessment of the skill level comprises the following objects for evaluation: observing work safety, daily checks of the earthmoving machine, order / tidiness of the workstation, professional work performance and professional order for work, carrying out different work stages in compliance with common quality criteria of construction work and considering sustainable development during the competition.
Skill competition managers

Matti Krusell

Ahti Kaskela
Skill steering group
- Matti Krusell, Turku Vocational Institute
- Ahti Kaskela, Turku Vocational Institute
- Antti Knuutila, Infra
- Kai Niemelä, Yrkesinstitutet i Övre Savolax YSAO
- Jani Pitkänen, Yrkesinstitutet i Övre Savolax YSAO
- Janne Häkkinen, Keuda
- Matias Varpa, Keuda
- Riku Suojala, Gradia
- Mika Autio, Gradia
- Juha Haanpää, Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova
- Jere Hänninen, GRK
- Arto Pekkala, Finnish National Agency for Education