International Competitors Selected for the Taitaja2025 international training competition

Taitaja2025 and Skills Finland are thrilled to announce that the selection process for international competitors in our upcoming competition has been completed. A total of 23 guest competitors from 11 different countries will be joining us in this exciting event.
In addition to our international guests, the competition will also feature 18 representatives from the Finnish national skills team. We look forward to a highly competitive and thrilling event, showcasing talent from around the world and from our own skilled Finnish competitors.
For international guests not taking part in the competition, Taitaja2025 offers interesting programme including an International Welcome Seminar on Wed May 7th.
203 Graphic Design Technology
Frida Byrgiel Foli, Worldskills Denmark
Arli Orlovski, WorldSkills Estonia
Daniel Kytönen, Skills Finland / Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto
206 Web Development
Emilien Marquegnies, WorldSkills Belgium
TBA, WorldSkills Netherlands
302 Hairdressing
Maja Svensson, WorldSkills Sweden
Vivia Vähämiko, Skills Finland / Stadin ammattiopisto
303 Beauty Therapy
Erika Sartelet, LP Saint-Joseph l’Amandier, France
Viivi Varis, Skills Finland / Stadin ammattiopisto
307 Fashion Design and Technology
Myrten Idzinga & Mila Gerritsma, FIRDA/ The Netherlands
Elja Saraluoto & Inka Nurminen, Skills Finland / Koulutuskeskus Salpaus
401 Cabinetmaking
Andreas Simonsen, Worldskills Denmark
Martin Mihalicz, WorldSkills Hungary
Alexander Häggman, Skills Finland / Optima
404 Painting and Decorating
Sarah Levavasseur, WorldSkills France
Camilla Lindholm Gelmer, WorldSkills Denmark
Beata Lempiäinen, Skills Finland / TAO, Turun ammattiopistosäätiö
405 Plumbing and Heating
Samuel Sommer, WorldSkills France
Viljami Turve, Skills Finland / Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto
410 Landscape Gardening
TBA & TBA, WorldSkills Estonia
Ben Schot & Quinty Vos, WorldSkills Netherlands
501 Pâtisserie and Confectionery
Ronja Kaupinsalo, Skills Finland / WinNova
Erika Ukkonen, Skills Finland / Saimaan ammattiopisto
502 Cooking
Pascal Arnold, Swiss Skills
Daniel Romi, Skills Finland / Perho Liiketalousopisto
504 Restaurant Service
Yiyang Sun, Jiangsu Province Xuzhou Technician Institute, China
Niina Haka, Skills Finland / Gradia
602 Electronics Prototyping
Einar Ásgeirsson, Skills Iceland
Aleksi Laine, Skills Finland / Kouvolan ammattiopisto Eduko
603 CNC Milling
Hannah Oberparleiter, WorldSkills Liechtenstein
Noa Theodor, WorldSkills Belgium
Aapo Paunonen, Skills Finland / SASKY koulutuskuntayhtymä
605 Welding
Jakob Østergaard Nielsen, WorldSkills Denmark
Lauri Mutka, Skills Finland / Savon ammattiopisto