

Building Construction

The competition tasks of this skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in construction. The qualification titles of the basic qualification are maarakennuskoneenkuljettaja (earth mover operator), maarakentaja (infrastructure constructor), kivirakentaja (mason) and talonrakentaja (building constructor).

The professional who have completed this qualification works according to the competence area for example on the building and renovating site in a construction sector enterprise, in new constructing and maintenance works for water and energy services networks, municipal work of installing communal infrastructure, rainwater and waste water systems, as an instructor for digging works, in measurement and marking tasks on excavation sites or as an independent entrepreneur.

Description of the skill

Building constructors are employed on the new building construction and renovation sites in different building tasks from beginning stage to finishing. The scope of tasks is wide and comprises all works of house constructing and concrete constructing as well as installing the construction products. The profession requires versatile manual skills, the sense of style, discretion and intransigent attitude to the work accuracy and result. Following and recognising work safety rules is important.

Working environment varies depending on the construction site. Building constructors work both inside and outside in varying weather and other circumstances. At times building constructors can be exposed to blow, coldness, moistness, hotness and noise. The profession requires manual skills, problem-solving skills, own initiative and a good physical condition. A building constructor is able to use different building tools, measuring devices, equipment and machines. S/he shall be able to work both independently and in a group.

Construction sector professionals work in building companies, construction product industry, public sector and as independent entrepreneurs. The competition is individual but depending on the task the competitor is provided with an assistant if necessary.

Skill requirements

The competition tasks of this skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in construction, on the requirements and criteria of ”Excellent” in the following vocational modules:

  • basic skills of constructing
  • work for frame
  • house constructing
  • carpenter’s building work for foundation stage and frame
  • carpenter’s internal building works.

Skill competition managers

Skill steering group

  • Skill steering group will be nominated during autumn 2024.

Partners of the skill

Main event partners

  • Skills Finland logo
  • Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö logo
  • Finnish National Agency for Education logo
  • City of Turku logo