Mechanical Engineering CAD


Mechanical Engineering CAD

The competition tasks of this skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in technical design. The qualification title of the basic qualification is suunnitteluassistentti (design assistant).

Design assistants may be employed for example by engineer offices, construction sector enterprises or municipal planning offices.

Description of the skill

In CAD Design the competitors produce design documents. These documents can be drawings, written material, or 3D Models that are used for producing and marketing different products. The tasks are of general nature; they do not require special knowledge of a certain field. They may also contain production of calculations and/or presentation graphics.

Skill requirements are based on the basic vocational qualification, on the requirements and criteria of ”Excellent”. Tasks are purely practical design tasks related to drawing and modelling. The tasks do not require wide theoretical knowledge.

Skill requirements

The competitor must have basic CAD Design skills in office services and technical design. A successful competitor is able to

  • produce 3D Models and use them for producing drawings and marketing purposes
  • produce standard technical drawings using CAD Software
  • use valid standard description methods and markings used in drawing production
  • make changes to drawings
  • measure a given object and draw a sufficiently detailed draft to produce a model and a drawing
  • utilize common office software to produce text, worksheets/spreadsheets and presentation graphics
  • utilize different kinds of instructions and standards in her/his work
  • use basic measuring devices
  • express her/his opinions in a clear and convincing way.

In addition to previously mentioned requirements a successful competitor is also able to

  • understand and follow given instructions
  • schedule her/his work in the competition situation
  • follow given safety instructions
  • show initiative.

Skill competition managers

Skill steering group

  • Skill steering group will be nominated during autumn 2024.

Main event partners

  • Skills Finland logo
  • Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö logo
  • Finnish National Agency for Education logo
  • City of Turku logo