


The competition tasks of the skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in Hairdressing and Beauty Care. The qualification titles of the basic qualification are hairdresser, beauty consultant, beauty therapist and barber.

The professionals of this skill category can work according to the competence area for example in hair salons or barber shops as independent entrepreneurs, as employees or as chair renters, in salons and in spas. Moreover, the professionals of this skill category can work in product sales, training or consulting.

Description of the skill

The competition tasks are based on the requirements and criteria of ”Excellent” in the Vocational qualification in Hairdressing and Beauty Care, competence area of Barbering and Hairdressing and on the requirements of working life for a young employee. The qualification name is barber and/or hairdresser.

A barber and a hairdresser are required to provide a wide range of services related to the treatment of hair and beard. As well as customer service skills, a good product knowledge and considering the work safety and customer safety belong to the core competency of the profession. The entrepreneurship is emphasized, too.

The competition tasks are based on the qualification requirements and correspond to the skills, needed in the working life. The competition tasks can be utilised in a vocational skills demonstration.

Skill requirements

Competence areas of Hairdressing

  • selling and customer-oriented service in hair and beauty care field
  • hair dressing services
  • barber services
  • festive and themed hairdo services
  • hair dying
  • hair texture services.

A successful competitor is also able to:

  • manage the technical expertise and artistic skills in a hairdresser’s and a barber’s work
  • plan and implement the tasks independently
  • manage customer service
  • sell and market products and services
  • manage the theory, which gives directions to work
  • consider the safety, hygiene and ergonomics of the work
  • consider economic matters and sustainable development
  • manage ethical and aesthetic matters in working.

Skill competition manangers

Skill steering group

  • Skill steering group will be nominated during autumn 2024.

Partners of the skill

Main event partners

  • Skills Finland logo
  • Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö logo
  • Finnish National Agency for Education logo
  • City of Turku logo