Beauty Therapy


Beauty Therapy

The competition tasks of the skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in Hairdressing and Beauty Care. are hairdresser, beauty consultant, beauty therapist and barber.

The professionals of this skill category can work according to the competence area for example in beauty salons as independent entrepreneurs, as employees or as chair renters, in salons and in spas. Moreover, the professionals of this skill category can work in sales and consulting.

Description of the skill

The skill category is based on the requirements and criteria of ”Excellent” in the Vocational qualification in hairdressing and beauty Care.

The task of the professionals in beauty therapy field is the overall skin care. A beauty therapist / beauty consultant also guides customers in self-care of the skin and in the use of the products. The key competency areas of the field are the customer service, performing different treatments as well as selling and marketing.

The professionals of this field work either as independent entrepreneurs or as employees. A beauty therapist / beauty consultant may work in beauty salons, enterprises of health care sector, spas, cosmetic shops and in companies that import cosmetics.

The competition tasks are planned so that they are work-life oriented. The competition tasks can be utilised in vocational skills demonstrations. A student / competitor can in his / her own education institution apply for the recognition of skills, on the basis of the competition certificate.

The competition tasks are based on the following modules of the qualification:

  • Facial treatment services
  • Pedicure and manicure services
  • Body treatment services
  • Sales work and customer-oriented service in hairdressing and beauty care
  • Spa treatment services

Skill requirements

A successful competitor is able to:

  • manage the work in practice
  • manage the theory, which gives directions to work
  • plan and implement the tasks independently
  • manage customer service and guide customers
  • sell and market products and services
  • consider the safety, asepsis and ergonomics of the work
  • consider economic matters and sustainable development
  • manage ethical and aesthetic matters in working
  • manage the work within the given time
  • work as a part of a team and appreciate your own and others work

Skill competition managers

Skill steering group

  • Skill steering group will be nominated during autumn 2024.

Main event partners

  • Skills Finland logo
  • Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö logo
  • Finnish National Agency for Education logo
  • City of Turku logo