


In all the fields of vocational qualification, it is possible to complete entrepreneurship studies and learn entrepreneurial skills related to one’s own vocational qualification. The competitive tasks in this skill are based on the entrepreneurship vocational qualification unit.

Depending on the area of competence, the workplace can either be one’s own business, or the individual can work for someone else.

Description of the skill

Entrepreneurship skill hosts an innovative competition that focuses on entrepreneurial way of working and entrepreneurship expertise.

Students compete in pairs and develop a new business idea. They create a business plan and present it. In addition, students can solve assignments received from partnering companies. By analyzing and developing these companies, the groups complete various competition tasks.

The competition tasks depict real situations in the world of business, and stakeholders related to entrepreneurship are involved in the evaluations of the assigned competitive tasks.

The skill takes into account the following enduring themes of the Taitaja-competition: entrepreneurship, sustainable development, well-being at work, and work safety.

The competition is a paired skill category. Note that in this skill only 3 pairs / educational institution can register for the semifinals

Skill requirements

The competitive tasks in the entrepreneurship skill are based on the requirements for excellent grade in planning a business, and working as a top expert vocational qualification units. Competitions and the functional tasks performed during them are recognized as part of the studies and skills demonstrations. Competitors have the opportunity to provide a skills demonstration related to the qualification units during the semifinal or the final.

Areas of expertise in the entrepreneurship type:

  • evaluate their own strengths and skills
  • seek and brainstorm business opportunities
  • develop a business idea and prepares a business plan for it
  • pitching a business plan
  • prepares documents related to the establishment of the company.

A competitor:

  • is initiative-taking and responsible as a team member
  • has creativity, problem-solving skills and ability to cooperate
  • manages networking
  • has competence regarding profitability and financing
  • is sales-minded and service-minded
  • has presentation and negotiation skills
  • is able to evaluate his/her own action and develop it.

Skill competition managers

Skill steering group

  • Ari Tornberg, Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium, Raseko
  • Jenny Koskelainen, Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium, Raseko
  • Leena Laakso-Seppälä, Savo Vocational College
  • Tiina Myrsky, Keuda
  • Miia Kilpinen, Keuda
  • Tove Kietz, Arcada University of Applied Sciences
  • Minna Järvinen, Skills Finland
  • Minna Taivassalo, Finnish National Agency for Education
  • Konsta Ojanen, Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova

Partners of the skill

Main event partners

  • Skills Finland logo
  • Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö logo
  • Finnish National Agency for Education logo
  • City of Turku logo
  • John Deere logo
  • Super logo
  • Slice logo
  • Würth Logo
  • k-ryhmä logo
  • Tenstar Simulation logo
  • JHL logo
  • Four Reasons logo