Animal Care


Animal Care

The competition tasks of this skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in Agriculture. The qualification titles of the basic qualification are Animal Attendant

Animal attendants who have completed the competence area in animal husbandry know how to care for and breed animals in different kinds of animal husbandry enterprises. Animal attendants are qualified to set up an animal husbandry enterprise or work as an animal attendant on a farm, as a farm relief worker, in a petting zoo or a zoo, and in research institutes, animal clinics, and other enterprises in the animal sector. 

Description of the skill

The tasks are based on the requirements of the compulsory courses in the Vocational Qualification in Agriculture, competence area Animal Attendant:

  • Operating in the agricultural sector
  • Operating in a natural resource enterprise
  • Ensuring the welfare of farm animals
  • Ensuring the welfare of pets and animals used for recreation
  • They also operate entrepreneurially.

Skill requirements

Successful competitor knows how to maintenance animal welfare in different circumstances and different kinds of animal husbandry enterprises. Competitor knows the species-specific behavior and the basic needs of animals and can avail the information and skills in animal care. The competitor must know how to treat animals ethically and with responsibly. 

In addition to good animal care skills, a successful competitor is responsible, initiative, quality-aware, owns good skills for co-operation and works with the principles of sustainable development. 

Skill competition managers

Skill steering group

  • Skill steering group will be nominated during autumn 2024.

Partners of the skill

Main event partners

  • Skills Finland logo
  • Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö logo
  • Finnish National Agency for Education logo
  • City of Turku logo