Description of the skill

The tasks of the professional demonstration are based on the Vocational Qualification in Music.  The professional title of graduates is musician or music technologist.

Those with a Vocational Qualification in Music are able to work independently in tasks and performance situations in the music sector. They are familiar with the operating environment of the music sector and use their competence in the sector adeptly in different work situations. Qualification holders strive to achieve high quality and aesthetic impact in their work.

In addition, those who have completed the competence area of music, music technology or piano tuning have more specialised required competence and vocational skills in their competence area. Qualification holders also master the knowledge and skills of the special areas of the units they have selected. Holders of a Vocational Qualification in Music have extensive basic vocational skills for different tasks in their vocational field and for further studies.

Holders of a Vocational Qualification in Music may work in tasks in accordance with their competence area such as orchestras, bands, marching bands, parishes, programme offices, companies or as independent entrepreneurs.

The work may suit a person who wants to perform and practise their instrument or presentation technology alone and together with others. Access and aptitude tests are available for vocational studies in the field of music. You can study basic education in the arts, which is the starting level competence to be assessed, at the Turku Conservatory.

Students of the Vocational Qualification in Music will perform in different groups during the event.

Skill competition managers

Main event partners

  • Skills Finland logo
  • Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö logo
  • Finnish National Agency for Education logo
  • City of Turku logo